Madder than a wet hen

Madder than a wet hen

From the research I did, there is no evidence to substantiate this claim, “Madder than a wet hen”.  Just out of curiosity, when a hen is mad, how would you know? I’ve been in the country. I’ve been to farms. I’ve seen hens in their “naturalhabitat, and, yet, I’ve never heard a hen say “Fuck you, rain”.

Let’s rip this IDIO-BITCH down and kick it Palinoscopy style.

What makes Sarah Palin madder than a wet hen is that she knows:

  1. Stupidity follows her as frequently as the bear traps she sets in the woods
  2. Ignorance is her middle name
  3. Even Bush congratulated P-Ob, yet she was silent
  4. For 24 hours, at which time she demanded photos of Osama Bin Laden’s dead body
  5. How very “I’ll give you my gun when you take it from my cold, dead hands”
  6. Mitt Romney is beating her in the polls
  7. Enough said

My spin on this Cliché: Of course you’re mad, you’re the spawn of Satan, the devil’s mistress. You have plenty to shoot, so why bother with hens?!

**Image Courtesy of Politico News

One comment

Honey, calling this woman “stupid” is actually an insult to stupid people.

I don’t think the English language has a word yet to describe accurately how stupid she is.

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