Posthumous Breach of Confidentiality is, what, Acceptable?

Posthumous Breach of Confidentiality is, what, Acceptable?

robin williams

I am grappling with a statement made in an article Rolling Stone Magazine wrote, “Robin Williams Early Stage Parkinson’s Disease, Wife Says.”

The quote from his wife is as follows:

“Robin’s sobriety was intact and he was brave as he struggled with his own battles of depression, anxiety as well as early stages of Parkinson’s Disease, which he was not yet ready to share publicly,” she wrote.

Please note: Robin Williams was NOT YET READY TO SHARE PUBLICLY. Forgive me, but I take umbrage with this statement. Even though he died, I fear she is saying that Robin’s right to privacy ends.

In life and in death, I believe that everyone is entitled to their privacy. If this information was not something that Robin didn’t want to share, why the fuck was it released?

Dealing with disease, health, personal issues, whatever, is task enough. Shouldn’t the individual have the right to share it, whatever “it” is on their terms and in their own way?

Though we’ll never know if this is something he planned to share, his choice to share or not was ripped from him. To me, that’s unconscionable.

On the other hand, has her statement brought more awareness to Parkinson’s disease? Will others suffering come forth or seek help and support? If so, that’s wonderful.

What do you think?


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