Spirituality Cures… BULLSHIT

Spirituality Cures… BULLSHIT


See the below post from: (NAME)  International Spiritual Teacher and Healer

HEALING TIP: Arthritis: Arthritis on the Spiritual and Emotional levels is the fear of moving forward in life typically caused by lack of self-esteem. In order words, those with arthritis will be afraid to make changes, big changes as they lack confidence in themselves, and fear they will make a huge mistake, so it is easier, emotionally, to just stay where they are. They know the change will be the best thing to do, but are afraid to take the chance, take the leap for fear of looking stupid or or making the wrong choice, and looking foolish. To heal this, work on your self esteem, and change the fear of looking stupid or foolish into seeing that may be another opportunity for great change…..learn to adapt and move freely within the circumstances, move freely in life, and thus move freely within and with your body.

Found it on Facebook this morning. Shit like this pisses me off more than you can imagine. How many sick people listen to frigidiots (friggin’ idiots) like this and actually believe they can heal themselves being more emotionally/spiritually available? To me, this is so destructive.

I’ve read a lot about spiritual healers. From everything I’ve read, they invoke fear and blame. They make damn sure YOU know that you created your disease. Guess what?! For 5-10K, they can help YOU heal yourself of your disease through a steady (nonsensical) diet of spirituality!

FUCK YOU for being just as bad and dangerous as really shitty doctors.

FUCK YOU for believing that people create disease.

FUCK YOU for thinking that people can heal disease through emotional/spiritual behavior modification. There is no scientific evidence to substantiate that claim.

However, there is scientific evidence rooted in Western/Eastern medicines and behind nutrition, among other things.

I think these people are unbelievably dangerous. I’m done with my morning vent fest.

*Image courtesy of Glogster.com

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