Branding Shmanding

Branding Shmanding

See the image? Read the content. But, wait, be sure to take it in; really digest it and give it some thought.


Let’s discuss.

Karl, with a “K” explains that he hasn’t updated his homepage in 2-years. We’re all busy doing the best we can, even Karl. Non-sequitur, I keep wanting to re-write his name as Karlie. Anyway, Karl is trying to sell his wares, WordPress themes. Who cares about sentence structure? What’s got me twisted up inside is the, I-kill-people image paired with the second blurb, “I’m not this scary in real life”.




Karl with a “K”, why would you post a creepy, murdereee, bordering molestereee image of yourself, and say as much versus, oh, I don’t know, owning it? Why choose to portray yourself as visually creepy, yet explain a way your choice?

Here are a few examples, things to consider:

  1. My coding skills are as wicked as my face
  2. That’s right, I murder code to perfection
  3. I’m gonna scare the shit out of the back-end of your website
  4. Oh, yeah, I’m Karl with a “K”, a mean coding machine

Well, Karl with a “K”, what do we think?


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